Pay When You Sell Policy

The Carolina Trader is pleased to assist you in selling your items. Use our convenient form included in this web site, call the office at 803-781-8900 or fax to 803-399-8874 to tell us what you have to sell. Be sure to include a price for each item and a brief description. We will advertise your item until it is reported sold or it has appeared in four issues. This will give us a fair chance to help you sell your items. If you sell your item through any means such as Facebook, Craigslist, Auto Trader, Ebay, sell to your neighbor or relative, cancel your ad, trade or give the item away, or any other reason that makes the item unavailable to our readers during the four week period, the item will be considered sold and the fee will be due.  Your fee is based on the advertised price even if the selling price is different.

When your item sells, notify our office so your ad can be canceled. If you have not sold your item after it has appeared in four issues, we will give you the opportunity to relist your ad.

All advertised items must be priced separately. We cannot refund any payments. If you place an ad and decide to cancel before it appears in the first printed issue or online, we must be notified before it appears or the fee will be due. The Carolina Trader reserves the right to select, edit or condense any ads and to refuse any ads that are contrary to the policy. We are not responsible for the condition of or misrepresentation of advertised items or for composition errors.

Only your phone number will appear in your ad unless you request otherwise. The Carolina Trader will not disclose your name, address or telephone number, except for law enforcement or courts.

Only pay 10% of the first $100 your item costs!



Then, just 2% of any amount over $100!

But never pay more than ...


$2 minimum

Dishwasher: $30

TV: $180

Car: $3,200
10% of $30.00 … $3.00
10% of 1st $100.00 … $10.00
2% of remaining $80.00 … $1.60
10% of 1st $100.00 … $10.00
2% of remaining $3,100.00 … $30.00
( $30 maximum )

You Pay:  $3.00

You Pay:  $11.60

You Pay:  $30.00