
Our Display Advertising  rates are very reasonable. We look forward to helping you meet your businesses advertising needs.

Display Advertising must be received by Wednesday at 5:00 pm EST to make the following Tuesday Edition.
Camera ready copy is accepted.

If you are sending your camera ready display ad by email, the formats we accept are .jpg and .pdf. The ad must be sent as a separate attachment with your email, and not in the body of the email itself.

If your ad is not sent camera ready, we will be happy to design it for you!

Please see our Display Rate Sheet for correct sizing. Your camera ready display ad should match these dimensions.

Size Height ˣ Width Columns Square Inches Weekly Price Back Front Below Fold Front Above Fold
Full Page 14.5" x 10.38" 6 184.63 $435.00*      
1/2 Page 7" x 10.38" 6 71.75 $225.00* $300.00    
1/4 Page Verticle 7" x 5.12" 3 35.4 $120.00* $150.00    
1/4 Page Horizontal 5.13" x 6.9" 4 35.4 $120.00* $150.00    
1/8 Page Vertical 5.25" x 3.38" 2 17.5 $64.00* $80.00 $160.00 $240.00
1/8 Page Horizontal 3.5" x 5.12" 3 17.5 $64.00* $80.00 $160.00 $240.00
Business Card Vertical 4" x 1.62" 1 6.625 $32.00 $40.00 $80.00 $120.00
Business Card Horizontal 2" x 3.38" 2 6.625 $32.00 $40.00 $80.00 $120.00
1 Column x 2" 2" x 1.62" 1   $18.00 $23.00 $46.00 $69.00
2 Column x 1" 1" x 3.38" 2   $18.00 $23.00 $46.00 $69.00
1" Ad 1" x 1.62" 1   $9.00 $12.00 $24.00 $36.00


* 1/8 Page Display Ads and larger that run consecutively for 4 or more weeks receive an additional 10% discount, excluding Display Ads on the back page and front page.


All display advertising is paid in advance. Bill monthly terms are available after the first month is paid in advance. We must be notified to cancel bill monthly display advertising prior to the Wednesday 5:00 PM deadline, or the charge will stand.


We will place your ad as close to a requested category as possible, but exact placement cannot be guaranteed except for the front or back page only. Guaranteed display advertising on the front and back page will not receive the 10% monthly discount.


The Carolina Trader is published every week on Tuesday. The deadline for display advertising copy, changes, and space reservations is 5:00 PM WEDNESDAY. Display ad cancellations are not accepted after the Wednesday 5:00 PM deadline and will be billed accordingly. We cannot refund any payments, but credit will be issued for future advertising.


The Carolina Trader will accept liability for omissions or errors in advertising copy we design, but is limited to the effect that the omission or error has on the entire ad. If your error substantially reduces the effectiveness of the ad, credit will be issued for future advertising. Notice of published errors must be given before the next display ad deadline to be corrected in time for the next issue. If no notice is provided we will only be liable for the first week in which the error occurred. If a display ad proof is requested and an error is found, notice of the error must be given before Friday at 5:00 PM to be corrected for the next issue. If no notice is provided we will not be liable. We are not responsible for composition errors submitted camera ready, or when copy, artwork and photographs are incomplete or incorrect when submitted. We are not responsible for any advertising materials left in our office over 30 days. The Carolina Trader reserves the right to refuse any ads that are contrary to its policies.

Contact the office for a quote!

Phone: 803-781-8900
Email: ads@carolinatrader.com
Fax: 803-399-8874
The Carolina Trader
P. O. Box 84942
Lexington, SC 29073